Falcons Athletics
Allendale Public Schools
Girls Varsity Volleyball
Player Bio.
Sidney Slanger
How many years have you been playing volleyball
I have been playing volleyball for 3 years.
What do you enjoy about volleyball?
I enjoy being competitive and being able to push myself to become a better athlete.
What are your individual goals for this season?
One of my goals is to become a more consistent hitter/backrow player. Another one of my goals is to increase my vertical throughout the season. And my last goal is the push myself to be the best player/teammate I can be.
What are 3 team goals?
One team goal is for us all the learn how to communicate with each other on the court.
Second goal for our team is to motivate each other to become better players and a better team.
Third goal is for us all to bring our best attitude and effort to every game and practice.
What are your strengths?
One of my strengths is having the ability/motivation to be able to work hard and push myself to become a better athlete. Another one of my strengths is having good communication skills with the other players on the court.
What kind of coaching style do you respond to well?
I respond well to a coach that gives me constructive criticism and is not afraid to push me to become a better player.
What are your plans after high school?
After high school I would like to be a college athlete, but have not decided what major I would like to pursue.
Interesting fact about yourself?
An interesting fact about me is that I’ve gone indoor sky diving.
What club do you play for and for how long?
I play for Inside Out and have been playing there for 3 years