JV Girls Soccer
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Mark Gotberg
Tryouts for the 2018 season will take place March 12th-14th.
The first two days of tryout will take place at Shoreline soccer in Spring Lake. The bus will leave the HS at 2:45pm, and will arrive back at approx. 5:30 pm. Students will NOT be able to wear cleats at shoreline, and so they will be required to have tennis shoes or indoor soccer shoes for the first two days.
Please understand that unless the player has a physical form turned into the office, they will not be allowed to participate in tryouts, and it may have an impact on their ability to make the team.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know at gotbergmar@apsfalcons.net
Sign Ups
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Mark Gotberg
Please sign up in the office for the 2018 Tryouts. Thanks, see you in 3 weeks!